Some of the most embarrassing moments:
Last night I went to a mate’s place for drinks and over indulged and comaed out in their bathroom. It is pretty much a guarantee that if you coma you are going to wake up the next morning minus your eyebrows. So early this morning I woke up on my mate’s couch (I had been dragged from the bathroom to the couch). It was still dark and the flat was quiet so I guessed they were still in town. I could feel that there was something hairy taped to my upper lip. As I was naked it didn’t take me long to realise what had happened. My mates had stripped me naked and shaved off my pubic and armpit hair. They had rolled the hair up like a moustache and had taped it to my lip. I also had large penises and noughts and crosses drawn all over me. When they had finished their fun they were nice enough to put a blanket over me. They were all disappointed that they weren’t there to see me wake up as I had showered by the time they got home from town. It is pretty gross to wake up with your own pubic and armpit hair taped to your face but I would think it would be grosser to touch someone else’s pubic hair..-anonymous
This happened about ten years ago. At the time I was dating a model, and she had just come from an all day photo shoot, and she was hungry, so went went to Taco Bell to get something to eat. She was still in her outfit, and she was wearing those “dolphin” shorts that don’t leave much to the imagination. So while she was busy looking at the menu, I was standing behind her checking out what I had that everybody else wanted… and I noticed a white string hanging from her black shorts. So me being the good guy that I am, I reached down and yanked on the string, and all of a sudden she screamed out loud anddoubled over in pain. Everybody in the place turned around and looked at me like I had hit her. It turned out that it was that time of the month, and the string was from her tampon! Talk about making an ass out of yourself in public..! -SavosInCity
I’m female 25 years old. My most embarrassing situation happened a few years ago when I was in college. My roomie had gone away for the weekend and I was alone. One evening, after drinking a little wine at a party I came back to my room and decided to masturbate. I locked my door, stripped naked, put on my earphones (blasting) and went to it with a vibrator! What I didn’t know was that my roomie thought I was also going to be gone for the weekend, and gave her key to a friend in case the friend “got lucky”. I was in the middle of my “work-out”, my headset blasting, my eyes squeezed shut, when the door opened and a girl and a guy walked in! They stood, frozen in shock while I lay writhing on the bed. I didn’t hear or see them! After what could only have been a few seconds, something made me open my eyes! I almost had a heart attack! They mumbled an apology and ran out! I seriously considered a transfer...-anonymous
One night I went out partying with my friends, and we drank one too many Long Island Ice Teas. The next day I woke up with the runs. I had to be at work at 7:00, but in order to beat traffic I used to like to get there an hour early. So I got up at 4:30 AM and got to work by 5:30 AM, but I had a bad case of the runs from the night before.So when I got to work, I could turn the lights on to our suite, but the lights to the lobby and the general public didn’t turn on until 6:00 AM, and it was dark at the time. Still, I had to go and I had to go bad, so I went out into the lobby and made my way to the restroom, and I went to the very corner stall because that’s the one I usually use.So I sat there and did my business, and I managed to get it all out…but when it came time to flush the toilet, it wouldn’t flush.
So I sat there and tinkered with it a few times, but it still wouldn’t go, and that’s when I decided to get up and see what was wrong.When my eyes got adjusted to the darkness, I noticed a four-inch hole in the floor, and a toolbox sitting right next to the toilet… that’s when I realized that the toilet was in the process of being repaired. I got the hell out ofthere as quickly as I could!When my boss came in, he asked me if I had seen anyone strange in the building, because there was one sickperson roaming around the building and security was looking for him. Of course I couldn’t say anything.I wonder how that poor janitor must have felt once he got to work!..
My most embarrassing moment was when i was in elementary school. I was in the bathroom while my bestfriend waited for me outside. When I came out I thought I saw my mom so I ran up to her, said hi mommy and hugged her. The lady turns around and says sorry honey I'm not your mom. So I walk away embarrassed while my friend is laughing and making fun of me... -too embarrassed
A couple weeks ago my little cousins (both 1 1/2 years old)were visting and I was showing them how to blow bubbles but at the same time I was drinking a soda, I had put them down to go to the bathroom, when I came back I grabbed for my soda and drank it, without realizing it I drank a good deal of soap fluid so I had to be rushed to the hospital but fainted in the ambulance, when I woke up they told me my immune system had been using all my energy to combat the viruses. They told me not to talk but I couldn't help it. I said who are you, to the person next to me, not only did it turn out to be my crush but it sounded like I was cussing her off because my voice was messed up. Embarrassing.... - JW,KY
Hi, I was going to school and, as always, i was late. So, I got to the gate but it was closing so I thought,watch me get through,i'm gonna look so stylish,but unfortunately the gate closed as i got through and my bag got stuck on the other side!I was soooooo embarassed, and to make matters 99999999999X worse, this really cute guy saw me and had to ask the guard to open the gate, ohhh, I could've died!!
My embarrassing moment was on the first day of school. Now of course on the first day of school everyone is trying to make a good impression and is way nervous. Knowing the school they are way to cheap to put on the air conditioner so it was really hot! I was in the class spinning around in the chair not paying attention, as usual, everything was good and fine until the end of the class. My friend turned over to me and was like " Nice pit stains." l looked and i couldn't believe it!!!! It was horrible!!! You couldn't believe how embarrassed i was,. i walked the rest of the day with my arms glued to my side(hoping no one would see!!) Way to start out the school year. - Anonymous
My grandmother was washing my clothes and I had some panties in there. And, I had a lot of guyz and girlz over there that were my friendz. Ok, one of the guyz was my crush. And, my grandma came out and asked me what happened to my panties. They had poo stains in them. I was so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o embarrassed. They never talked to me again. They also told the whole school. My teachers even laughed after a week. I had to change schools I was so embarrassed. - Desirae
Today was no different then any other... I got up and put on this really cute skirt and shirt. I was almost done with the school day. It was 7th period , and I was sitting in my theater arts class. Suddenly we had a fire drill, when I jumped up to run out the door my skirt hadn't jumped up with me. My really hot GUY friend Paige, had been sitting on my skirt without knowing it and hadn't quite gotten up as fast as I had. The whole class saw me in my thong! It was absolutely the worst thing to have ever happened to me!
My name is Mandie and here is my embarrassing story: I was at church one day, standing around before service talking to people, and went to pick up a little boy. This boy is notorious for having mood swings and not letting people pick him up, so this was not a very good idea, but I love the kid anyway so I tried. When I did, he tried to kick at me, and his feet went forward into my stomach, and down, pulling my skirt down as well. Then he wouldn't let me put him down so I had to stand there in my underwear while his dad tried to pry him off of me and my friends laughed at me. Not a good day. - Mandie